The Minister of Innovation and Growth of Bulgaria and the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt discussed cooperation in information technology, artificial intelligence and the automotive sector
Egypt can be a logistics and transport center for Bulgarian business to the African market. The same applies to our country – Bulgaria can be the connection of companies and investors from Egypt with the market in our country and in the European Union. We can develop economic relations between Bulgaria and Egypt, exchanging experience and expertise in the field of innovation through human potential and intellectual capital. This was stated by the Minister of Innovation and Growth, Milena Stoycheva, during a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of Egypt, Yaha Ahmed. It was also attended by the ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Bulgaria, H.E. Khalid Emara, the executive director of the Bulgarian Investment Agency Hristo Etropolski, as well as representatives of the Ministries of Energy and Transport and the Investment Agency of Egypt.
Minister Stoycheva and Deputy Minister Ahmed discussed the possibilities for deepening the cooperation between Bulgaria and Egypt in the sectors of information technology, robotics, mechatronics, artificial intelligence and the automotive sector. The two also commented on the activities of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Technologies – INSAIT, and the delegation specified that a meeting with them was also forthcoming.
“The Ministry of Innovation and Growth aims to develop strategic partnerships in the fields of high technology both regionally and globally. Scientific and development activity in our country provides an opportunity to create high-tech innovations in key sectors that can be attractive to foreign investors,” the Minister of Innovation stated during the meeting. According to her, Bulgaria has a well-developed digital and communication infrastructure, which is a key advantage for the country and its positioning as a place where the new wave of innovation can develop.
The meeting also focused on the development of the automotive sector in Bulgaria, as well as the creation of a hydrogen valley in our country. Deputy Minister Ahmed stated that Egypt has a strategy for the introduction and development of hydrogen technologies and a strategy for the development of the automotive sector in the country.
“Bulgaria and Egypt can work together for the development of the economies of both countries and their positioning in the global market, as well as for the development of human capital. I believe that with knowledge and experience we can unlock the potential and opportunities for interaction between our countries,” Stoycheva emphasized. She drew attention to the fact that MIG’s focus is also on innovations in the fields of education and culture and creative industries, in which Egypt is also interested.
Minister Stoycheva and Deputy Minister Ahmed also discussed the possibilities of organizing working meetings between companies from the Arab world and Europe in our country and in Egypt.