The development of bilateral relations in the field of innovation and investment was discussed by the Minister of Innovation and Growth Assoc. Professor Rosen Karadimov and the Chinese Ambassador to Bulgaria H. E. Ms. Dai Qingli. The two emphasized the traditionally good cooperation between the two countries – 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the People’s Republic of China.

The Deputy Minister of Innovation and Growth Krasimir Yakimov and the Head of the Political Cabinet Maria Petrova also took part in the meeting at the Ministry.

The focus of the conversation was the opportunities that industrial zones and parks provide for attracting foreign investors to Bulgaria, including from China. As an example, the project for the construction of a new high-tech factory in the Trakia Economic Zone of “ZS Europe”, which received a “class A” certificate under the Investment Promotion Act, was cited. The amount of the investment is nearly BGN 19 million and it is expected that 100 new jobs will be created. “The Bulgarian Investment Agency assists investors to get all the opportunities that the Investment Promotion Law provides, and companies from China that want to open production in the country can take advantage of them,” Minister Karadimov said.

The upcoming 2025 session of the Bulgarian-Chinese Intergovernmental Mixed Commission for Economic Cooperation was also discussed at the meeting. The possibilities for presenting Bulgarian companies at upcoming exhibitions in China, as well as Chinese investors in Bulgaria, were discussed.

During the meeting, the ambassador of China H.E. Dai Qingli presented a working draft of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Innovation and Growth and the Ministry of Commerce of China to establish a joint working group on investment cooperation. Minister Karadimov expressed support in principle for the initiative to deepen bilateral relations, but emphasized that the document must be agreed with all interested parties.